The future of bit coin (English follows)
- 一切の法規、政策と無縁であるため、通貨政策失敗による破綻はあり得ない。
- 為政者による、財政赤字抹消のための計画ハイパーインフレ(財政規律を無視した通貨発行)などの、通貨悪用からは無縁である。インフレ税は仕組み上不可能。
- 通貨供給量が固定されているため、ハイパーインフレが発生しない。
- 創業者が巨額の利益を得ることができる。ある意味ビッグビジネス。
- 通貨として究極的に重要な、価値の安定性を維持できない。それは通貨供給量が限定されているため、需給による価格が暴騰を管理できないから。通常の通貨なら為替介入により調整が可能。
- 政府、法規とは一切関係ない超法規的存在なため、何があっても誰も最終的には守ってくれない。
- 創業者の発行益は莫大なため、新規参入のインセンティブは半端でない。数を規制する決まりも何もないため、無限の同様なビットコインがコピペのように作られ、コモディティーとなる。結果、暴騰は暴落となり適当な相場に戻る。
BIT 1 / GBP 1
USD 1 / BIT 1
100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY
Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
1BIT ビットコイン / Mining Cost etc
Mining Cost etcはWIPと考えればよくマッチする。工場で一品生産する仕訳と同じ。アセットは1BITコインだ。
200JPY CASH / 1BIT ビットコイン
/ 儲け JPY100
100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY
Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
1BIT ビットコイン / Mining Cost etc
200JPY CASH / 1BIT ビットコイン
/ 創業者儲け JPY100
最初金と交換して発行した通貨が、金との交換を遮断し、独自に政府の信用で流通するようになった現代。ビットコインが最初に交換する価値は何だろう?ビットコインは金の代わりに各国の通貨と交換して始まった。これは自然だ。ただ、「埋蔵量」が決まっているため、ビットコインで世の中の価値をすべて表現しようとすると、価値が無限大に増加する。 金がなぜ、世界の基準通貨とならなかったかを考えてみよう。それは、金では世界の価値をすべて表すことはできないからだ。金の可搬性もあるが、金と一対一の価値では世の中の価値をすべては表せない。理論的には可能だが(金の暴騰)、人類はこの方法を選ばなかった。このため、金の価値と切り離した通貨が発行された。
では、どのような改善が必要だろう? ビットコインが人類の共通通貨として存在し、かつ、新規通貨発行は、「マイニング」などによる、まやかしでなくて、各国の中央銀行、財務省により財政収支を維持しながら管理されれば、次の次元へと進化していける。現在のままでは未来は限定される。
- Totally free from law, policy. No chance of failure as a result of poor currency policy.
- Totally free from abuse of currency issuance by government ignoring budget discipline.
- No chance of hyper inflation due to maximum currency supply possible.
- Initiator can make huge money. Big business as a bit coin setup in a sense.
- Cannot keep stability of value that is the ultimate must feature of currency. This is because price changes due to demand&supply as only limited amount can be issued, hence market intervention becomes impossible unlike normal currency.
- Nobody will help you ultimately if something happen since there is no protection by government or law.
- Huge incentive to enter into this business since there is huge gain for initiator. No rule to limit number of similar coin to start, then will result in infinite number of similar bit coins in the market just like copy & paste on pc, then eventually makes bit coin just a commodity. As a result price will goes down to reasonable level.
[2ndly market accounting]
step1.Pay 1 GBP and get 1 BIT coin
BIT 1 / GBP 1
step2.Pay 1Bit coin and get 1 USD
USD 1 / BIT 1
Where the bit coin comes from used for exchange in step 1? Bit coin with limited supply should inflate to meet demand of worldwide fx exchange.
[primary market accounting]
Initiator of bit coin earns profit by mining limited coin and sell it in exchange for existing currencies. Accounting will be following.
step1.Bit coin generation
1st, there is money. Assume JPY100
100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY
Buy equipemnts, design and do mining to create bit coin
Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
1BIT bit coin / Mining Cost etc
Mining Cost etc is WIP(work in process). Same accounting as build on order. Here asset created is 1 bit coin.
step2.Sale of bit coin
Sell 1 bit coin for JPY200
200JPY CASH / 1BIT bit coin
/ gain JPY100
The total balance sheet picture will be following
100JPY CASH / Equity 100JPY
Mining Cost etc / 100JPY Cash
1BIT bit coin / Mining Cost etc
200JPY CASH / 1BIT bit coin
/ gain of initiator JPY100
You can see that to maximize profit, initiator can complete mining for whole amount however, looks it is not done for the most popular bit coin in the market.
The future of bit coin
Bit coin is a computer system after all, hence if all know that initiator can make trillion, then same kind of coin will be generated infinite. Commodities such as gold cannot be copied however computer system is different. If similar coin is provided infinite, bit coins will not be scarce anymore, then ended up with just payment system. The initiator will launch another one after making decent money for the 1st one. The block chain technology itself an be made use of extensive elsewhere going forward.
JPY is a currency Japan issue. Japan can enjoy gain(seigniorage) by issuing perpetual sovereign(although it is now prohibited by law) purchased direct/indirect by central bank(so called helicopter money). To do similar, you need to make another nation but it is tough.
The modern society that stopped exchange of note to gold purely now depending on credit of the nation. What is the 1st value bit coin is exchanged. Bit coin started by exchanging for real currencies. This is natural. However, due to limited amount of coin, the price will inflate infinite if tried to represent all value of the world. Think why gold could not take position of world currency. It is because gold cannot represent whole value of the world. Of course mobility of gold is one factor but gold cannot represent world value one to one. Theoretically possible by inflating gold price infinite by human kind did not chose this approach. Instead, currency decoupled with gold value was issued.
It is tough to create nation but bit coin can be reproduced since it is merely a computer system. In the internet world, simply by putting application at Google Store, everybody will install themselves. From now, infinite number of bit coin X will be born. And the value can only deflate by not inflate. Probably credit card company may jump in call the currency like 1 VISA or 1 Master.
What kind of improvement is required then? Bit coin can go another dimension if it is controlled by central bank and ministry of finance by keeping national budget balance where new currency issue is done explicit rather than "mining".
However need to admit that there is no uniform theory on money supply, hence human being`s macro economy management still depends on try and error. How far seigniorage can be justified by government/central bank? How strict the national budget discipline should be maintained? All are far from final conclusion. If you see hyper-inflation of developing countries, currency competition and Kurodanomics for the last 10yrs, you will understand what it means. The disbelief to the government can be one of the reason for the bit coin popularity.
Probably now it is time for economics to show how competent they are.
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